Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fast Food Freenzy--Part 2--

              Just think of the bubbly, fizzy drink that everyone just craves! But look at the ingredients...100 calories, 1% sodium, 8% Carbs, 25gms Sugers(wouldn't say the percent ;).) and that was all in the All "Natural" Sprite. In Alaska, they are in a soda frenzie! Some of the mothers put soda like Coke and stuff in the babies' bottle and they end up with Bottle Rot(rotting of the teeth that turn into black stubs!!!!!) In the 1900s you could go to Alaska and find that every Eskimo has no cavities and perfect teeth. Now Eskimos are losing their teeth. You can find a teenager with almost all of their grownup teeth are gone!!!!
                An average American boy drinks twice the soda than milk! Girls are the same! That ends up with a greater chance of broken bones. Now, I know you can have soda every once in a while but please don't drink a six-pack each day. Now I drink just about 3 or 4 sodas each week while some of my friends drink about 4 or 5 each DAY! That dosen't mean you should take soda away from your kid's diet. Just introduce it to them in their older years so they can grown healty and fit.
                 Increase your child's milk diet. Have them put cereal in their left-over milk from their last bowl if it's enough(PS that also saves you $$$$$) Pack your own lunches because you trust yourself and your food options. Put some yogurt in your child's lunch or organic dressing on their salad!!! EASY ENOUGH? I think so!
  Red, pink, and purple candy HAS to have dye. What comes from red,pink, and purple candy dye is...REVOLTING. It's from mashed up BUGS!!!  The Dactyloplus coccus costa bug!! Look it up for a picture! Better yet, i looked it up for you! I now have you a picture!
    Now I will post the rest later! Bye!

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